Who are We?
Infrastructure Union of Croatian Railways is an independent and voluntary association of workers employed in sections, services, working departments, workrooms, units and enterprises founded by the Croatian Railways, workers on building and maintenance of railway infrastructure as well as mobile and stable constructions of the Croatian Railways.
Infrastructure Union of Croatian Railways is organised and works according to the democratic principles.
Why are We for?
Infrastructure Union of Croatian Railways is stable and democratic workers’ organisation founded by the workers with a basic aim to realise and protect material, social and other rights and interests of its members. Our tasks are as follows:
- Material welfare, social security and fairness
- Improvement of working and living conditions, and protection of health and environment
- Human work through technology and laws
- Establishment of social labour market in imitation of the developed European countries
- Workers’ protection against any kind of pressure and exclusion
- Development of industrial democracy and the rule of law
- Right to work and all types of safety at work
- Fair and stimulant salary and tax system
- Development of creative and expert resources as well as education and professional training
- Realisation and protection of the trade union members’ rights and freedoms
- Protection of rights and freedoms of the shop stewards, other union activists and employees’ representatives
- Protection of the trade union members’ labour rights
- Collective bargaining in the name and on the account of its members
- Making and control of collective agreements’ implementation and lobbying for the adoption of labour right’s laws which would reflect harmonised interests of all social partners.
How do We Work?
Basic principals of our Trade Union are:
- Worker’s right to organise trade union
- Voluntary membership of the union
- Worker’s solidarity
- Autonomous defining and adoption of the trade union’s programme
- Autonomous election of the trade union’s representatives and delegates as well as control of their work
- Autonomous decision on methods of trade union’s struggle
- Financial independence
- Public work of the trade union and its organ’s and accountability towards members
- Interest not party activity
- Democratic representation and democratic expression of the members’ will
- Acceptance and implementation of the International Labour Organisation conventions
- Efficiency at the work
- Struggle for labour rights and rights deriving from the work, stipulated by the Labour law, Labour regulation of the Croatian Railways, Law on safety at work, Collective agreement and work agreements is a permanent commitment of our trade union.
Do Workers Need Trade Union?
Workers have always a special interest opposed to the interest of an employer. Trade union is the most powerful tool in hands of workers. That is why workers organise trade unions in order to articulate strongly their interest. Establishing of trade unions is inevitable always when there are two groups with different interests. Employer’s interest is to gain more work and profit under as much as possible low costs, while the workers are interested in higher salaries as much as possible and better working conditions.
Through trade union, workers, in joint activities, are able to approach employers equally, and gain higher labour price and better working conditions.
Trade union’s strength depends on number of members and ability for an action. Problems shall be solved quickly by working jointly, while the employer is easily forced to adhere to what he/she have signed.
Basic Activities of ITUCR
Restructuring of the Croatian Railways – for what we stand?
Our Trade union has been actively participating from the beginning in the process of restructuring of the Croatian Railways, especially when it comes to the protection of our members’ rights. Our stand is that this important process should not be exercised only by downsizing of the number of workers. Most delicate question is taking care of invalid workers. Our position is that an employer’s obligation is to offer workers, with decreased working potential or who is exposed to an immediate risk of getting disabled, other job which corresponds as much as possible to their ability or which is similar to his/her previous job. We advocate for a vocational retraining and finding new solutions for employment of such categories of workers in part-time job.
We participated actively in making of a new systematisation of jobs and new organisation of the company. We have proved that a systematisation must be grounded on work quotas and normative in accordance with the level of technological achievement of the Croatian Railways.
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